
Rules and policies


​​​​​Aitkenvale State School Processes:


If your child is absent from school please contact the school on 4421 2333 on the day of the absence or send an email  Absences can also be sent through QParents or replying to the absent text message sent to the designated person.

Extended absence during term time (3+ consecutive days):

We appreciate that sometimes individual family needs do not line up with Aitkenvale's learning program.  In the best interests of your child's education we would strongly encourage parents to plan holidays during the scheduled school holiday breaks.

Requests for leave of absence during term are required in writing to the Principal, prior to finalising arrangements.  If the absence is more than 10 consectutive days, an Exemption from Compulsory Schooling and Compulsory Participation is required.


Our school gates are locked daily between the hours of 8:30am and 2:00pm.  Please use the gate located beside the school hall on Wotton Street to gain access to the school from 8:30am.  The double gates on Wotton Street will be open from 8:00am ensuring all persons use the gates near the crossing supervisor.  Gates will open 8:00am-8:30am and 2:30pm-2:50pm.​

Lateness/Leaving Early:

If your child is late (after 8:30am) they are required to come to the office for a late pass to enter class.  We actively discourage lateness as it has a major impact on key learning time.  If someone other than a parent or guardian is collecting your child, the school must have approval from the parent/guardian for this person to collect them.  If you need to make changes to your child/ren's after school pick-up arrangements, please contact the office prior to 2:00pm to ensure your child and the class teacher can be informed.  Changes may include bus bookings, alternative people to collect your child/ren or you are running late to pick-up.

At no time is it acceptable to go to your child/ren's classroom during the school day to collect your child/ren.  Department policy on who can pick up a child from school is quite clear.  Nobody, other than the legal parent or guardian can pick a child up from school unless the parents or guardian forwards a written request to the principal to do so, or unless the principal knows the person concerned and is sure that this is normal practice.  In the case of parents who have separated, the child can only be released to the parent who is deemed by the courts to have custody, or according to joint custody orders held at the school.


If your child becomes ill or sustains an injury during the day,  the office will provide simple care or first aid.  Parents are asked to collect students when they may require professional medical assessment.  Parents are asked not to send students to school who are unwell.


We are not permitted to administer un-prescribed medications such as Panadol.  Students cannot keep any form of medication in their bags.   If you have prescribed medication for your child, please inform the administration staff.  Please present the medication, in the original container with the doctor's instructions and a completed medication permission form (available at the office) to the Administration Office.

Medication cannot be administered without the above being provided. Asthmatic students should have ready access to their asthma medication during school hours.  This may be kept safely in the classroom.  If inhalers are sent to the office, a medication form needs to be completed.  If preferred, parents may come to the office during the day to administer medication to their children.  All asthmatics require an Asthma Plan from their G.P. before administering medication.


We encourage the students to be very careful with their belongings and we ask that all belongings are named.  In the event of a lost item the student should check the lost property trolley located under B Block.


If you are visiting or volunteering at the school you must present yourself to the school office to sign in and out.

Dress code:

Students are expected to wear school uniform at all times.  Even on uniform free days, students are expected to conform to a desired standard of dress.  Singlets as outer garments, bright board shorts and two-piece (bare midriff) outfits, are unsuitable and should not be worn.  Motifs and comments on some T-shirts are also unsuitable for school wear and must not be worn.  

Jewellery and nail polish are not permitted at school.  Signet rings may be worn.  For safety, students with pierced ears are to wear sleepers or studs only.  Earrings are the only piece of facial jewellery able to be worn.

Only closed footwear (with white ankle socks) is suitable for the range of activities that students engage in each day.  Medical conditions requiring other than closed in footwear need an explanatory note from the parents.

As Aitkenvale is a SunSmart school, students need to wear wide brimmed hats/ bucket hats or legionnaire style hats to protect them from the sun.  Caps/ visors are not acceptable.

'no sunsafe hat, no play' policy is enforced.

Car Park Safety

For the safety of our children, motorists are requested to observe the following rules:


  • 40 km/h zone on Elizabeth and Wotton Streets
  • Be considerate to all other drivers.
  • Give way to pedestrians.
  • Park only in designated parking spots.
  • Young children are to be accompanied by an adult at all times when in the parking and driveway areas.
  • School families are not permitted to park in the admin carpark on Wotton Street.


The school will not hesitate to contact the police to report people who choose to ignore the road and parking rules. Our children's safety comes first.

If you have any concerns with car park safety, please contact the School Office immediately.



Responsibility and decisions regarding students cycling to and from school lie with parents/guardians. Students cycling to school must know and obey the road rules and know their responsibilities. All cyclists are to wear a helmet. Bicycles must be walked through school grounds, and should be left locked at the designated areas.


Walking to and from School  

Responsibility and decisions regarding students walking to and from school lie with parents/guardians. Due to the location of the school, it is important for students to know how to stay safe: 

  • Where there is no pathway, students must walk on the side of the road facing oncoming traffic. This gives them the best chance to see traffic approaching and take evasive action if needed.
  • Students must cross safely, looking both ways before crossing any street/road, at controlled intersections where possible.

Our digital newsletter is released every second Thursday during the school term.

Overseas students:

Students born overseas must hold either an Australian passport or appropriate visa before applying to the school.  Students who do not hold an Australian passport must present their passport and visa paperwork at the time of enrolment.


Parade is held on a Friday morning from 8:45am in the hall.  

Personal Items:

Toys, jewellery, electronic games and novelty cards e.g. 'Pokemon cards' are not permitted at school.  The school cannot take responsibility if these items become lost or damaged.  When a student brings a valuable item to school as part of class work please ensure that prior special arrangements have been made with the classroom teacher for it's safe keeping.


Students are encouraged not to bring large amounts of money to school and we ask for your cooperation in this matter.  Parents will be contacted if a child brings more than $20 to school.

Last reviewed 01 May 2024
Last updated 01 May 2024